Recycling Container Loan Program
Available To
Community groups, government offices & non-profit organizations (NOT for personal use).
Community events held only in Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca Counties.
FREE. No charge to borrow containers.
Recycling containers are portable and can easily be transported. Participants can borrow up to 15 containers per event. The District will also provide clear durable bags to assist in the collection of materials.
In addition, Container #1 offers a billboard option. Contact Communications and Outreach Specialist, Tim Hassinger for details about this option.
Recyclable Materials
Acceptable for Collection
• Aluminum beverage cans
• Plastic bottles
Participants are required to sort and recycle materials at their convenience. Recyclables can be taken to any Aim to Be Green Recycling Drop-off site. To view a listing of available sites in your area, please click on: Aim to Be Green to link to the Community Recycling Drop-off Program page.
The District is not responsible for recycling the materials collected during the event.
A $50.00 fee will be charged per unit if recycling container(s) is damaged or not returned.
Contact the OSS Solid Waste District’s Communications and Outreach Specialist, Tim Hassinger, at the District office – 419-334-7222 or toll free at 1-888-850-7224.
Tim can also be reached by email at thassinger@recycleoss.org.