OSS Board of Directors Meeting
August 7th 2024, 10:00 AM.
1875 E. State St., Fremont
Public Comment Procedure for OSS Meetings
- To ensure fairness and cooperation, the following procedure will take place during public meetings for OSS SWD. This builds upon Section 6.23, page 1 of OSS JSWDMD Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual adopted on 6/17/2019.
- All interested citizens must submit a request to the OSS Director no more than five working days in advance of the next public meeting. Comments will be submitted in writing to the Director 24 hours before the meeting for review.
- Public comments are at the end of the meeting, if time allows. A speaker must sign in at the beginning of the meeting. The author or other designated representative can deliver the written comments (must be noted on sign in sheet). Once a speaker starts, they may not give their time to another speaker.
- The comment period is three minutes. Speakers will address all remarks to the Chair.
- It will be timed by the Chairperson or designated staff person, who will announce a speaker’s start time and end time.
- Only staff and committee/board representatives may request further discussion and questions, but it is advised to thank a speaker and move on to the next one.
- If members of the public have factual questions, staff will be glad to address them after the meeting or at a later scheduled date.
- Please make copies of your written comments before the meeting to share with the committee/board members.
- Members of the public should not disrupt the meeting
- The Chair can give warnings to individuals, if he/she is truly disruptive. Please be courteous and respectful.