Village of Lindsey

Lindsey, OH 43442
(419) 637-7022

Important Message from Buckeye Sanitation

• EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, we are suspending the recycling of newspapers and magazines. We no longer have a market for the material. If markets ever improve in the future, we will reinstate the recycling of these materials.

Curbside Recycling Program

Service available to Village of Lindsey residents only.

• Contact: Buckeye Sanitation at (419) 637-7022
• Curbside Pick-up: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month.
• Co-Mingle (put into bin together): aluminum, glass bottles/jars, plastic bottles/jugs (#1 and #2) and steel cans.

Recyclable Materials Accepted

• 1 – #2 Plastic Bottles/Jugs
• Aluminum Cans

• Glass Bottles/Jars
• Steel Cans

Sandusky, Village